Friday, August 24, 2018

Self-Portrait Artist Statement

Self-Portrait Artist Statement


     When deciding what to base my video on, I was faced with the challenge of wanting to keep to myself. I'm not too fond of displaying my art or internet popularity to others ( I'm sure E-communications will swiftly change that, though). Thus I crossed out everything rather important in my life and I was left with few options. I wanted to please the class and I'm aware that animal videos are insanely desirable. Though that genre could be considered an easy A, the classroom's laughter at my foolish pup made me glad I chose this route.  I admire those who toured their room and/or home. It takes a lot of courage to present your personal life to dozens of judgemental teenagers.


     During the process, I realized that filming an adorable puppy video would be more difficult than I had expected. To begin with, I knew I did not want to be present in the video. I wanted a bright, upbeat video of my puppy showing off his incredible agility and intelligence. I got the opposite. Young dogs have such a short attention span, and it seems that the moment you want to record them acting adorable they stop. Finally, the torrential downpour comes to a halt and I'm stuck scolding a mud covered running machine for failing to fetch, while struggling to film and throw a broken tennis ball at the same time.

     In retrospect, it's my fault for lacking a schedule. Originally, I had planned to travel to a popular dog park and rate all the good pups ( all of them would get a ten, if you were wondering ). But I was drowned in school work and I simply ran out of time. I'm at least grateful that the filming wasn't too poor. Though I do wish I filmed a bit ahead of the subject, as I got lost quite a few times.


     Like the rest of the class, I failed at properly expressing myself. All this class knows is that I'm mediocre at filming and that I have a dorky puppy. I wish I had thought some more and developed a clip that portrayed my skills. Now that the fact that these are akin to a film resume for the class, I wish I had worked harder. If I had tried harder it would be better. But it's done now so I'm not going to dwell on it too much. 

Semester 2

SEMESTER 2 Recap Ferris Bueller Our project was to replicate a popular high school movie, regardless of date of release and genre. ...